Regulatory Management Software – Law Notion
Discover the benefits of using Regulatory Management Software for your organisation. Streamline compliance processes, reduce costs, enhance data security, and improve risk management with Law Notion solutions.
MHRA updates on the future UK Medical Device Regulation
The Software as a Medical Device (SaMD) and Artificial Intelligence as a Medical Device (AIaMD) Change Programme was first announced by the Medicines and Healthcare
The New Commercial Court Guide: What Litigators Need To Know
The 11th edition of the Commercial Court Guide (The Guide) was published on February 3, 2022. This is the first amendment since the 10th edition
The Revolutionary New App in Regulation Analytics
The current regulatory system in the UK still bears the marks of a slow-moving, resistant-to-change institution. Unfortunately, the relationship between businesses, regulatory bodies, and the
Three Incredible Features
The LawNotion app is revolutionizing the relationship between policymakers and businesses, and the way these entities interact with the UK regulatory system. No, that’s not
A Common Challenge, Solved
One challenge the Law Notion app aims to resolve is the time-consuming, trial-and-error, ad hoc approach of the current regulation research and analysis process in